Volunteering with HCS
Hampton City Schools values and promotes the engagement of families and the community in our schools. These interactions and opportunities strengthen the experiences of our students, provide the community with direct knowledge of learning taking place in our schools, and enhance the relationships and bonds within our community.
In order to be able to provide our students, staff, families and community a safe and secure environment in which to learn, we must have a protocol in place that establishes the procedures for volunteering with Hampton City Schools sponsored activities. This protocol is in place for the safety and security of everyone and establishes a consistent process to apply to become an HCS volunteer.
Want to be a Volunteer?
Apply using the Volunteer Application (English) Volunteer Application (Spanish)
Complete the HCS Volunteer Orientation by clicking here.
Anyone requiring a fingerprint background check must report to HCS Human Resources, 3rd Floor Ste 314, One Franklin Street, Hampton VA anytime Monday to Friday from 8:00AM to 4:00PM. A photo ID is required.
Once approved, please feel free to schedule volunteer times at your Hampton City School.
Process for Volunteer and Paid External Coaches
Apply using the Volunteer Application (English) Volunteer Application (Spanish)
Complete the Coaching Application and ensure the form has been signed by the school’s Athletic Director and Principal.
Completed Coaching Application is to be submitted to HCS Human Resources, 3rd Floor Ste 314, One Franklin Street, Hampton VA
Complete necessary background check in HCS Human Resources, 3rd Floor Ste 314, One Franklin Street, Hampton VA. Please be sure to bring a photo ID.
Complete the HCS Volunteer Orientation .
Wait for an email indicating you have been approved to volunteer in Hampton City Schools.
Once approved, please feel free to schedule volunteer times at your Hampton City School.
Volunteer Levels & Background Checks
The type of volunteer activities being undertaken by the volunteer and the frequency of volunteering will determine the level of background check required of the volunteer. All background checks will be paid for by Hampton City Schools.
Ultimately, there will be 3 level designations for volunteers which determine the types of volunteer opportunities they may participate in.
Level 1
Description: Includes activities where there is no direct contact with students or those which allow for direct contact with students, but NEVER unsupervised access to students, AND the volunteer is providing infrequent services or assistance to the school division ( less than 3 times per year) so as not to develop a familiarity or rapport with students at any school or program.
Sample Activities:
Background Check Required: Present photo ID at your local school to be scanned.
Requirements to Volunteer:
Level 2
Description: Includes activities where there is direct contact with students, but a division employee is always supervising so that there is no unsupervised access to children. Frequency of interactions is greater than 3 times per year.
This also matches with our requirement for field placements over 40 hours to comply with background checks.
Sample Activities:
Background Check Required: Present photo ID and complete fingerprinting at Hampton City Schools, One Franklin Street, Ste 314 (3rd Floor), Hampton VA
Requirements to Volunteer:
Level 3
Description: Participating in school activities, extra-curricular activities, athletics and all situations where the volunteer may have unsupervised access to students.
Sample Activities:
Background Check Required: Present photo ID and complete fingerprinting at Hampton City Schools, One Franklin Street, Ste 314 (3rd Floor), Hampton VA
Requirements to Volunteer:
All volunteer background checks are paid for by Hampton City Schools.
Volunteer Expectations