Pre-Kindergarten Registration
Who’s Eligible
SY25-26 Students must be four years old on or before September 30, 2025 and selected by the eligibility criteria to participate.
Registration: Interested families must call 757-727-1061 to schedule a Pre-K registration appointment.
PreK-12 Student Registration Document Checklist for Families
Items Needed
1. Parent Identification
2. Proof of Residency-only one of the following:
Mortgage/lease statement or a current public utilities statement such as water, electric or gas or a Residency Affidavit | Renewal Shared Housing Affidavit (available at any school office)
3. Income Verification
Qualifying Incomes must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
a. Military Residents must provide current Leave & Earnings Statement (LES)
b. Non-Military Residents must provide one of the following for each employed household member:
Income Tax Return (current year)
W-2 Form (current year)
2 Pay Statements (2 most current)
All other sources of income
4. Child's State Issued Birth Certificate or an affidavit for Birth Certificate
5. One Address for Bus Transportation
Must provide name and number of person to put child on & receive child off the bus
Child's Physical and Immunization Records are required to be current and a copy be provided to participate. Both forms should be given to the school once your child is accepted. Please call 727-2448 if your child has a current IEP or if you have questions.
• Registration Form The Student Registration Form is now available in an electronic format. Completion of this form in advance will save significant time during the enrollment meeting. Parents/guardians can print and complete the form manually or enter information electronically and then print for signature. The form will not submit electronically and a parent/guardian must provide a signed hard copy to the school during the enrollment meeting. This form will only save progress while the individual is working. It does not save for future editing.
Kindergarten Registration
Who's Eligible
SY25-26 Students must be 5 on or before September 30, 2025 The age requirement for kindergarten entrance in Virginia is that children will have celebrated their fifth birthday by September 30. Upon parent request, any Hampton child who will celebrate his/her fifth birthday in October or November may be eligible to register for kindergarten pending the outcome of an evaluation. This evaluation is administered by the Hampton City Schools Language Arts Department. Parents with children who were born during the months of October or November 2020, can call April Rollins at 727-2123 to schedule an entrance evaluation appointment. Please note that the Language Arts Department will make the final decision regarding the child's eligibility status.
Your Zoned Elementary School
You can use Zone Finder to locate your child's zoned elementary school based on your home address.
Registration Form The Student Registration Form is now available in an electronic format. Completion of this form in advance will save significant time during the enrollment meeting. Parents/guardians can print and complete the form manually or enter information electronically and then print for signature. The form will not submit electronically and a parent/guardian must provide a signed hard copy to the school during the enrollment meeting. This form will only save progress while the individual is working. It does not save for future editing.
Items Needed to Register Child:
Proof of Residency – this could be a mortgage/lease statement or a current public utility bill such as water, electric or gas or a Residency Affidavit | Renewal Shared Housing Affidavit (available at any school office)
Child’s State Issued Birth Certificate or an affidavit for Birth Certificate
Child’s Physical Health Form – dated within 12 months of school start date and Immunization Record
Custody papers (if applicable)
If unable to provide a physical and an up-to-date immunization record at registration, please note that these documents MUST be submitted prior to the first day of school.
Grades 1-12
To begin the Registration process, please contact your zoned school.
Please contact your child's zoned school to make an appointment for registration.
K-12 Student Registration Document Checklist for Families
The Registration Form is available online or at your zoned school.
If your child is a student with a disability, you must complete a Permission for Placement Form
Items Needed to Register Child:
Student Long-term Suspension/Expulsion Affidavit*
*Virginia Law requires that, prior to admission to any public school of the Commonwealth, a school board shall require the parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of a child of school age to provide, upon registration, a sworn statement or affirmation indicating whether the student has been expelled from school attendance at a private school or in a public school division of the Commonwealth or in another state for an offense in violation of school board policies relating to weapons, alcohol or drugs, or for the willful infliction of injury to another person. Any person making a materially false statement or affirmation shall be guilty upon conviction of a Class 3 misdemeanor. The registration document shall be maintained as part of the student’s scholastic record.
Admission of Resident Students
The public schools of Hampton City will be free to children of school age who reside in Hampton. A child will be a resident when:
The child is living with a natural parent or parent by legal adoption who resides in the City of Hampton.
The child's parents are dead and he is living with a person in loco parentis who resides in the City of Hampton.
The child's parents are unable to care for the child and the child is living, not solely for school purposes, with a person who resides in Hampton City and is the court-appointed guardian, or has legal custody.
The child is living with a parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis in a temporary shelter in the school division, not solely for school purposes.
The child is living in the City of Hampton, not solely for school purposes, as an emancipated minor.
A child may be considered a resident of Hampton for the purpose of free attendance if his residence is bona fide and not a superficial residence established for the purpose of attending school. Applications for admission will be submitted to the coordinator of pupil accountability who will determine whether the child is a bona fide resident of the City of Hampton.
The coordinator of pupil accountability will be authorized to obtain documentation to support the application. All information provided with the application will be subscribed and sworn to by the person making the application.
The awarding of custody of a child to a resident of the City of Hampton will not automatically make the child a resident. As a condition of tuition free admission, the school division shall require that an actual resident of the City of Hampton have custody of the child or is the court-appointed guardian of the child.
If the family of a student who has been enrolled in the division moves out of the City of Hampton after the student has completed the junior year of high school and prior to the completion of the senior year, the student will be allowed to attend as a tuition student. If the family of the student who is enrolled in the division moves from one high school attendance zone to another within the city after the student has completed the junior year, the student will be allowed to attend the high school previously attended and tuition will be waived.
Out of Zone Placement
Out of Zone Application 2024-2025
Out of Zone Application 2025-2026 (application will be available on March 1, 2025)
Reasonable consideration will be given to parents/guardians/students and agencies who make requests for out-of-zone placement. Justification will be based on goals related to maintaining balanced enrollments at each grade level and total school populations, as well as the following:
Fundamental, Magnet, and other choice Schools
Requests for out-of-zone placements into a fundamental, magnet or other choice school will not be considered. Out-of-zone applications cannot be used to gain entrance into a fundamental, magnet, or other choice school as each of these schools has its own application process.
Foreign Exchange Students
Guidelines for Admission
The Hampton City School Division will determine the number of foreign exchange students that can be accommodated each year.
All requests for placement of foreign exchange students will be made to the Division Superintendent or designee. Requests from area organization's representatives must include the number of students for whom placement is requested. A request form must be completed and submitted annually.
Students will be placed in core subjects for grade level and must be fluent in English to benefit from instruction without additional assistance.
All requests for placement will be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee and the building principal.
After making initial selections, the principal or a guidance counselor will review the health and academic records of each student and interview each prospective host family.
The principal's final recommendations will be reviewed by the Superintendent or designee and forwarded to the area representative of the exchange organization.
To be eligible for consideration, exchange student candidates must be at least 15 years old and not older than 19 years old by September 30 of the year for which placement is being requested.
Transfer Students
Admission of Students Within the District
Students of one city school may not be admitted into another Hampton City School during the same scholastic year without a transfer from the principal of the previously attended school and a change of address by the division superintendent or his delegated authority and unless consistent with current policies for out-of-zone assignments.
In order to overcome overcrowding in some schools, administrative transfers may be necessary. Students may be transferred from one school to another without entries being made by the original school, provided the principal of the transferring school calls the principal of the receiving school, giving name of pupil, grade assignment, date entered and number of days in attendance. All attendance days must be accounted for in transfers.
Special High School Courses
Students wanting to enroll in one or more career oriented courses not offered in his attendance zone school but offered in another school may apply to take the course/s. Course requests will be initiated by the principal of the parent school. The principal or designated alternate will review the letter and initiate a request for transfer, forward the request with a parent/guardian letter of request to the coordinator of pupil accountability for further processing. The coordinator will then forward the application to the principal of the school in which the desired course/s is being offered. Approval by the coordinator of pupil accountability will be granted providing:
Sufficient building space is available
Class size is not overloaded
Parent assumes responsibility for transportation if it is not available
The student’s schedule can be arranged.
The student will remain in the parent school and retain all scholastic and athletic eligibility in the parent school. The principals of the involved schools will assist the student in adjusting his schedule. The coordinator of pupil accountability will, at the earliest possible date advise the parents/guardians and both principals by letter concerning his final decision.
Withdrawal requests are often the result of a student leaving Hampton City Schools to attend a school in another school division/state/country, to attend a private school, or to be homeschooled. When a student needs to exit from Hampton City Schools before earning a diploma, he/she must officially withdraw from the school of record. The parent/guardian needs to complete the K-12 Withdrawal Request form and submit it to the student's school. If this process is not completed, it can cause a delay in the transfer of records to the next school or school division.
K-12 Withdrawal Request Form
This form is now available in an electronic format. Parents/guardians can print and complete the form manually or enter information electronically and then print for signature. This form will only save progress while the individual is working. It does not save for future editing. The form will not submit electronically. The parent must submit a hard copy to the school or receive approval from the school to submit it as an attachment via email.