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Christian Washington - Valedictorian

Katalia Bowie – Salutatorian


Hampton City Schools announces top students in the Class of 2024 at Phoebus High School

Christian Washington - Valedictorian

Christian is graduating with a grade point average of 4.64. He is a member of the volleyball team, wrestling team, tennis team, Phantoms READS, National Honor Society, Do-Gooders of Hampton Roads, and the National Society of High School Scholars.

He was accepted into Virginia Tech, the University of Virginia, James Madison University, Virginia Commonwealth University, the College of William & Mary, Christopher Newport University, Old Dominion University, and Hampton University. He will attend Virginia Tech in the fall to major in economics and commerce. After college, he plans to get into real estate and start his own brokerage firm, and work in sales.

Fondest high school memory:

“My fondest high school memory is my 17th birthday. Everyone planned me a surprise party when I least expected it.”

A tradition at your school you will miss:

“I will miss warning others about not walking between the flagpoles before graduation.”

An achievement you are most proud of:

“I am proud of being crowned valedictorian and staying rank one for all four years and never having a grade below an A. I am also proud of forming the boys volleyball team and winning the first ever set for Phoebus boys volleyball.”

I am proud to be an HCS graduate because:

“I am proud to be an HCS graduate because the community never fails to reciprocate the love and effort that I give to it.”

If you could thank a teacher who had the greatest impact on you, who would it be and why?

“I would thank Ms. Lyeni for showing me the impact you can have on others through persistence and drive. I would also thank my middle school teacher Ms. Leyva for helping me open up and find my true character, setting me up for success in high school.”

Katalia Bowie – Salutatorian

Katalia is graduating with a 4.62 grade point average. Her activities include serving as the varsity field hockey and varsity soccer captain. She is a member of the National Honor Society, English Honor Society, Phantoms READ, and volunteers at The Cat Corner, and Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

She was accepted to Lees-McRae College, Liberty University, University of Oklahoma, Old Dominion University, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Kent State, SUNY Oswego, Oklahoma State University, University of New Hampshire, Ohio University, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Virginia, and SUNY Cobleskill. She has decided to attend Lees-McRae College where she was awarded the Elizabeth McRae full tuition scholarship. She plans to major in wildlife biology and become a zoo vet and eventually a teacher or professor.

Fondest high school memory:

“I don’t think I can pick just one, but I’ve really just enjoyed all the time I’ve spent with my friends and every normal day that felt special with them. I’m going to miss my friends.”

A tradition at your school you will miss:

“I really enjoy our Black History Month Showcase, as well as our spirit weeks.”

An achievement you are most proud of:

“I’m really proud for becoming salutatorian, but I’m also proud for winning the scholarship I received. I had to write an essay and interview with two Lees-McRae faculty members and there were over 100 other people there.”

I am proud to be an HCS graduate because:

“I am proud to be an HCS graduate because I can look back and see how far I’ve come, both in school and as a person. I am able to see who helped me get here.”

If you could thank a teacher who had the greatest impact on you, who would it be and why?

“I would like to thank Mrs. LaBreck because she’s always there for everyone and she cares so deeply about all of her students. She makes a point to connect with us and make us feel included, but she also keeps us in check and makes sure we’re doing what we need to in order to graduate. I feel like out of all my teachers, she knows me the best and would be one of the first people I’d turn to if I needed help. I want to be someone like her when I’m older.”

Click the links below to see a short video about:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLPfTkFrCbI  Christian Washington

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGB6mgE7YMk  Katalia Bowie