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Adult and Alternative Learning Center

1646 Briarfield Road
Hampton, VA 23669


Cell Phone-Free Education

AALC, High School GED®/ISEAP
Myra A. Chambers, Director
(P) 727-1327 Select option 0
(F) 268-3304


Marcia Austin
727-2141 | 268-3305 (f)


Graduation Specialist
Dana Kirts


Administrative Secretary
(P) 727-1327 Select option 0
(F) 268-3304


Bridgeport Academy
Tim Cason, Academic Coordinator


Homebound/Extended Services
Karen Williams, Coordinator
727-2152 | 268-3306 (f)

TBD, Facilitator/Tech Support


Adult and Alternative Learning CenterThe Adult and Alternative Learning Center provides a variety of educational opportunities necessary for students and adults to acquire knowledge and skills in a safe, individualized, and supportive environment, and to develop the values of responsibility and respect for self and others, leading to productive citizenship and lifelong learning.


High School GED®/ISAEP For school aged students having difficulty in a traditional school environment, high school GED® programs are also available. We offer ISAEP (Individual Student Alternative Education Plan) for students to obtain their GED®, a career and technical education credential, the Economics & Personal Finance course; and successfully pass the Virginia Workplace Readiness Skills Assessment (WRSA). For more information, please email Myra A. Chambers


Bridgeport Academy affords students in grades 3-12 the opportunity to excel academically in a structured environment, while modifying their behavior. The Academy instills in each student the desire to perform beyond their current academic level, as well as the self-discipline to enable them to meet the expectations of Hampton City Schools.

Homebound Instruction/Extended Services are for students who are ill, special education students who need a more restrictive environment and students on long term suspension for whom another placement is unavailable.  Requests for Homebound services due to medical or psychological reasons must be made in conjunction with a physician and based on a documented medical or psychological condition.  Applications are available in the home school or can be downloaded here: Homebound Services Application.  Some students have chronic illnesses that may “flare up” necessitating short, periods of time away from school.  For these students, it is appropriate for the physician or licensed clinical psychologist to request Intermittent homebound services.  You may download that application here: Intermittent Homebound Services Application.   Home based services for students with IEPs will be the result of a decision made by the student’s IEP team at their home school.  All home based placements are determined by school personnel.  For more information, please contact the office at 727-2152 or email the program director Karen Williams at kwilliams3@hampton.k12.va.us.  You may also download: The Extended Services Handbook.


eLearning Opportunities are available for students seeking an alternative to the traditional educational setting and or course offerings.  Students have access to online (virtual) classes and course content from any location with an Internet connection.  Individualized, independent study instruction and assessment are provided online or at the Adult and Alternative Learning Center by credentialed teachers.


Hampton Adult Education, is equipped to offer adult learners the following:

  • GED® Program to include GED® Classes, GED Ready™ on-line Practice Test, GED® Test, more info...

  • Literacy classes for adults more info...

  • National External Diploma Program (NEDP) more info...