Armstrong School for the Arts
Armstrong School for the Arts integrated program incorporates visual arts, music, drama, and dance into the four core subject areas of English, math, science and social studies. Library, art, music and physical education teachers work collaboratively with classroom teachers to plan and teach hands-on arts integrated lessons that enhance the Hampton City Schools curricula. The integrated lessons have a meaningful, positive impact on student learning. Applications for enrollment are accepted throughout the year. Students are accepted on a first-come first-served space available basis. Siblings of enrolled students are accepted into the school through fourth grade. Applications for the kindergarten waiting list are accepted beginning August 1 of the year the child turns 4. Students must be 5 by September 30 to attend kindergarten. No transportation is provided.
Cooper Elementary Magnet School for Technology
The W. M. Cooper Elementary Magnet School for Technology provides an exemplary learning environment that sets high expectations for its teachers, students and parents. Children are challenged to become the best they can be and attend from every neighborhood in Hampton. Cooper has a close partnership with Star Achievers Academy YMCA, a group of local business people and community activists whose sole purpose is to provide resources and support to the students at Cooper. The innovative and highly effective technology program at Cooper provides an environment that fosters analytical thinking, reasoning, creativity and applied learning through Children’s Engineering and Design Technology. As the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) elementary school for Hampton, Cooper staff strive to differentiate their approach to prepare students for the 21st century careers that await them. Cooper students use higher-order thinking skills daily as they are challenged to think outside of the box in the development of numerous hands-on engineering based projects to support the curriculum. Contact the Cooper school office at 757-825-4645 for the application process.
Fundamental Schools
Barron and Mary W. Jackson Elementary Fundamental Schools serve students in grades K-5. The fundamental schools are based on cooperation and the positive interaction between students, parents, and school. We believe that active, interested learners become well-adjusted, productive citizens. The fundamental schools follow the same curriculum as the other Hampton City Schools. Parents sign a fundamental school contract upon registration. Students are accepted by application on a first-come, first-served space-available basis. Siblings of enrolled students are accepted into the school through fifth grade. Registrations are accepted throughout the year. Applications for the kindergarten waiting list are accepted beginning August 1 of the year the child turns 4. Students must be 5 by September 30 to attend kindergarten. Barron kindergarten students who live within the Barron attendance zone have priority at Barron. No transportation is provided for students enrolled at Barron and Mary W. Jackson.
Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program
Langley Elementary School houses the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program along with their in-zone K-5 students. In addition, Hampton City Schools’ DLI Program provides native English-speaking and native Spanish-speaking students academic instruction in both English and Spanish with opportunities to acquire both languages in authentic environments to become bilingual and biliterate. Students can enter the program in either kindergarten or first Grade. Students are accepted by application only and lottery, if necessary. Applications will be accepted through the first day of school, but initial review and notification will begin on August 1, 2024. Transportation must be provided for out-of-zone students unless the student is placed at Langley Elementary School for Special Education services.
A new, one-of-a-kind virtual program for students in grades K-5 for the 2022-2023 school year. The Future Learning Experience (FLEx) program is for students who want to learn at home, rather than in-person on an HCS campus.
This innovative program features an online curriculum that uses adventure storylines to engage students in applying the content and skills they learn throughout each week through role-plays, puzzles, escape rooms, and more. Students attend live Zoom sessions in the morning or afternoon and learn English language arts, math, history, and science with licensed HCS teachers. FLEx then enables families to decide how to structure the rest of their day. In addition to highly interactive live Zoom sessions, the FLEx program allows families to choose from a treasure trove of asynchronous games, projects, and other activities.
Interested in learning more? Visit
Parents may submit applications for Hunter B. Andrews PreK-8 School (STEM Program-ONLY), Eaton Fundamental Middle School or Jones Magnet Middle School. To ensure equity in selection, choice seats will be filled through a lottery system. It is important to consider when applying for the choice middle school that both child and family must have a willingness to work hard toward academic success and show commitment to the school’s mission.
Parents must provide transportation to the Choice Middle School Programs.
The Choice Middle School Application process will be available via Parent Portal beginning Friday, January 10, 2025. After completing the application on their students portal, families will receive a confirmation of submission. All applications should be completed by Friday, February 14, 2025.
Non-HCS families may apply to a choice middle school by contacting the Office of Secondary School Leadership at 757-727-2006.
Notifications regarding lottery acceptance to a Choice Middle School or placement on the waiting list will be available in the parent portal on February 28, 2025. Non- HCS families will be notified via the email address provided. Middle School Choice acceptances must be confirmed no later than March 14, 2025.
Hunter B. Andrews
Hampton City Schools STEM Engineering Choice Program will provide opportunities for students to explore Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics careers. This 3-year rigorous choice program curriculum is designed to motivate and challenge students by building on previous knowledge and critical thinking skills. Students will learn cutting-edge, technology-infused instruction coupled with design-based learning to connect to the world beyond school. Classes will be organized around typical engineering topics such as: Introduction to Engineering, Materials & Methods of Production, Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electricity and Electronics, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Industrial Engineering. Students must demonstrate high academic ability. Siblings of selected students in grades K-8 will be allowed to attend Andrews based on space availability. Transportation is provided for ZONED students only.
Eaton Fundamental
Thomas Eaton Middle School provides students and their families a comprehensive educational experience. We have high expectations of our students while providing an orderly and safe environment. Eaton students and parents sign a collaborative contract with the school, agreeing to complete assignments and exhibit positive behaviors. Eaton excels in the arts, extracurricular activities, community partnerships, service learning, and environmental experiences. Transportation is not provided for students.
Jones Magnet
Jones Magnet Middle School (JMMS) is a model, comprehensive school of choice. JMMS provides high quality education in the pursuit of excellence with a focus on rigorous instruction supplemented by relevant activities while establishing meaningful relationships with students. Admission is through an application process that is based on a lottery system. Transportation is not provided.
Academies of Hampton
The Academies of Hampton were identified as a component of the COMPASS School Reform plan. The following is currently listed under Goal One: Maximize Every Child’s Learning in the Hampton City Schools 2015 Strategic Plan, Career Academies are based on the National Career Academies Coalition National Standards of Practice for career academies. These standards were developed by an informal consortium of national career academy organizations and draw from over 40 years of research and practice. The ten standards are key elements for successful, sustained implementation of academies. Visit Academies of Hampton webpage for more detailed information.