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Leidimar Ramirez Sandoval



Jillian Linnehan-Reed

Teacher Specialist



Sandra C. Thomas

Sandra C. Thomas

Administrative Assistant



Welcome to the World Languages and English Language Learners Departments!

Are you new to Hampton City Schools and your child's primary language is not English? Please open one of the welcome packets below for information on registering your child and information about Hampton City Schools.


English Language Learners

The English Language Learners (ELL) Department focuses on English language development for students whose primary language is a language other than English. Students are assessed and language acquisition instruction is provided to help students learn the language of mathematics, social studies, science, language arts, and social language. ELL teachers work with students in a classroom setting, small groups, and one-on-one. Our department is dedicated to ensuring students are career, college, and life ready and equipped with the language skills they need for success.

World Languages

The World Languages department is dedicated to ensuring students are engaged in real-world language learning while experiencing different cultures and becoming global citizens. The World Languages curriculum offers students the opportunity to explore cultures, languages, and new ways of thinking. The curriculum offers students chances to use their language skills in real-life situations and encourages students to explore why they think and speak the way they do and language's impact on it. We offer courses in French, German. Latin, and Spanish.

Please use the tabs at the top for more information regarding the World Languages and English Language Learners Departments. 



Langley Elementary School houses the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program along with their in-zone K-5 students. In addition, Hampton City Schools’ DLI Program provides native English-speaking and native Spanish-speaking students academic instruction in both English and Spanish with opportunities to acquire both languages in authentic environments to become bilingual and biliterate. For more information, please click on the flyers above.


Students can enter the program in either Kindergarten or First Grade. Students are accepted by application only and lottery, if necessary.


Transportation must be provided for out-of-zone students unless the student is placed at Langley Elementary School for Special Education services.

La escuela de Langley alberga el Programa de Inmersión (DLI) junto con sus alumnos de nivel K-5. Además, El DLI de Las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Hampton (HCS) brinda a sus estudiantes que son hablantes nativos de inglés y hablantes nativos de español instrucción académica en los dos idiomas. Tienen las oportunidades de aprender en un entorno auténtico para convertirse en bilingües y biletrados. Para más información, presione el link de los folletos arriba.

Los estudiantes pueden entrar el programa en Kinder o Primer Grado. Se aceptan los estudiantes solamente por solicitud o lotería si es necesario.

Se debe ofrecer transporte para los estudiantes provenientes de fuera de la zona, a menos que se asigne al estudiante a los servicios de Educación Especial de Langley Elementary School.


Seal of Biliteracy

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award made by a state department of education or local district to recognize a student who has attained proficiency in English and one or more other world languages by high school graduation.  The Seal serves to certify attainment of biliteracy for students, employers and institutions of higher education. It is a statement of accomplishment that helps to signal evidence of a student’s readiness for career and college, and for engagement as a global citizen.

Seal of Biliteracy Student Application
(Applications due no later than January 28, 2024)


The World Language Department seeks to provide the opportunity for students to achieve linguistic fluency in a second language and to develop cultural understanding of the people and countries where the language is spoken. Within the scope of the level of study, students will be able to perform with reasonable success in each of the following areas:


  • Students will learn to communicate with others in a language other than English.

  • Students will improve their understanding of and ability to communicate in the English language
    by comparing and contrasting another language with their own.


  • Students will develop an awareness of and an appreciation for another people’s unique way of life,
    the patterns of behavior that order their world, and the ideas and perspectives that guide their behaviors.

  • Students will learn about other cultures’ contributions to the world and how these contributions have
    shaped international perspectives.


  • Students will connect with other disciplines through foreign language study, enabling them to reinforce
    and expand their understanding of the interrelationships among content areas.
  • Students will access information in more than one language, giving them a greater range of resources
    and richer base of knowledge


  • Students will respond to and contribute to their communities and the world in a more informed and
    effective manner as a result of the global perspective gained in a foreign language class.
  • Students will gain additional prospects for further education and career opportunities as a result of foreign language study

Courses Offered:
French I German I
French II German II
French III German III
French IV/V German IV
Latin I Spanish I
Latin II Spanish II
Latin III Spanish III
Latin IV Spanish IV/V
AP Latin: via DLC

The content of the Modern Foreign Language Standards of Learning is organized around the following seven essential stands:

  • Person-to-Person Communication

  • Listening and Reading for Understanding

  • Oral and Written Presentations

  • Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products

  • Making Connections through Language

  • Cultural and Linguistic Comparison

  • Communication across Communities


WIDA Can-Do Descriptors and Key Uses

Learning Objectives English Language Learners

  • English Language Learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.
  • English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.
  • English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.
  • English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.
  • English Language Learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.


Please contact the ELL Department to schedule an appointment for an English proficiency screening.

The language proficiency screening consists of a listening, speaking, reading, and writing component. Potential ELL students in grades K-12 must take this assessment before they can register in Hampton City Schools.  At the completion of the screening, the student will be directed to their school to register. A parent or guardian must accompany the student to the ELL office for the screening to be administered.


It is the parents’ right to refuse ELL services.  Once a student has been identified as Limited English Proficient, he/she will be re-evaluated yearly.  Parents will be notified of the testing results by mail.


Hampton City Schools requires all potential students to provide the following documents  when being evaluated for ELL Services. Please refer to the school registration process for required documentation.

  • Student’s Birth Certificate and/or passport
  • A photo ID or passport of the student’s parent or guardian


Building registration of students with language other than English

For further information please call the ELL Office at 727-2483.


Please use the link below to submit requests for document translation.